This article wants to provide a brief overview on How to export charts with dw_export_chart() via the Datawrapper-API.


In general there is a bunch of arguments that can be added to a call to Datawrapper’s Export-API. You can check out the documentation here or the reference here.

dw_export_chart() does not yet support all of these options. They are added step by step. Feel free to contribute the argument you’re missing with a pull request on Github.

For the moment, the most important arguments are supported (check the documentation dw_export_chart() for more):

  • Changing the type of output: type
  • Changing the unit of the output: unit
  • The color mode: mode
  • width and height in pixels
  • Selection if titles should be included: set plain to FALSE
  • The scale of the chart.
  • A border_width argument, measured in pixels
  • A argument to change the border_color
  • Removing the background- and border-color by setting transparent to TRUE.


Use the type = "png"-argument and download the result into an object.

To save the image we are using {magick} which is a requirement for {DatawRappr}. Simply run image_write():

png_chart <- dw_export_chart("CHART_ID", type = "png")

magick::image_write(png_chart, "OUTPUT.png")


When loading a PDF with type = "pdf", the data is transfered as a binary. Fir this you can use the builtin writeBin-function:

pdf_chart <- dw_export_chart("CHART_ID", type = "pdf")

writeBin(pdf_chart, con = "OUTPUT.pdf")


When using type = "svg" you will retrieve the code for a svg. So saving is as simple as writing text to a file:

svg_chart <- dw_export_chart("CHART_ID", type = "svg")

fileConn <- file("OUTPUT.svg")
writeLines(svg_chart, fileConn)